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a klass dondurma

“A Class” ice cream with a variety of delicious  and incredibly diverse ice creams will help you feel relaxed and cool on a hot summer day. This product is extremely rich https://www.trendnews.az/a-klass-dondurmalari-qida-mutexessisleri-dondurmanin-qis-aylarinda-da-yeyilmesini-tovsiyye-edirler/    and useful because it contains phosphorus and calcium in the freezing. Freezes stored under healthy conditions can a klass dondurma do no harm, but nutritionists advise freezing to be eaten during the winter months.

A classical ice cream is made using modern technological equipment to a klass dondurma http://sonxeber.info/2019/09/a-klass-dondurmalari/  suit every taste and taste with its colorful assortment. The company has an extensive sales network covering Baku city and regions of the country.

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